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Steps to implement the lockout/tagout test management procedure

  • Publish Time: 2023-04-01
  • Visit: 254

Below are the steps to implement a lockout/tagout testing management program: 1. Assess your equipment: Identify any machinery or equipment in your workplace that requires lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedures for maintenance or repair activities. Make an inventory of each piece of equipment and its associated hazards. 2. Develop Written Procedures: Develop a written lockout/tagout procedure outlining detailed procedures for controlling hazardous energy sources. The plan should identify specific employees responsible for implementing lockout/tagout procedures, outline how locks and tags will be applied and removed, and include a written log of the LOTO procedure for each piece of equipment. 3. Train your staff: Train your staff on the LOTO program, including the types of hazardous energy sources present, the LOTO procedures for each piece of equipment, and how to recognize, avoid, and manage hazardous energy sources. Your employees should be able to recognize hazards to equipment, understand LOTO procedures, and know when LOTO is required. 4. Maintain Equipment: Ensure that all LOTO equipment is properly maintained and inspected regularly. Damaged, worn or defective equipment such as locks, tags or blocks should be taken out of service and replaced. 5. Test your program: Check your program regularly to make sure it is valid and up to date. Conduct audits to ensure proper implementation of LOTO procedures and to identify any areas for improvement. 6. Record Keeping: Accurate and complete records are maintained of all LOTO procedures, events and equipment usage. Keeping records will allow you to review and improve your LOTO plan over time. By implementing these steps, you can create an effective LOTO plan that helps protect your workers from hazardous energy sources. Remember that implementing a LOTO program is an ongoing process that requires regular review, updating and testing to ensure its effectiveness.


Lockout Tagout (LOTO)
Lock mark (LOTO) is a security procedure