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Lockout Tagout (LOTO)

  • Publish Time: 2023-03-30
  • Visit: 270

Lockout Tagout (LOTO) is an important part of a comprehensive safety program that helps protect workers from injury while performing maintenance work on machinery and equipment. Here are some basic concepts of the LOTO program: 1. Energy sources to be locked out: All hazardous energy sources that can cause injury or damage shall be properly identified, marked, and locked or tagged. These energy sources include electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical and thermal energy sources. 2. Steps in carrying out the LOTO procedure: The LOTO procedure generally consists of five main steps: preparation, closure, isolation, lockout or tagout, and verification. 3. LOTO equipment: Lockout and tagout equipment shall be specifically designed for the energy source they are intended to protect. Lockout devices may include padlocks, locking hasps, valve lockouts, circuit breaker lockouts, and cable lockouts. Tagout devices may include warning signs, identification tags, and lockout tags. 4. Training: Employers must train employees in proper LOTO procedures before allowing them to repair or maintain machinery or equipment. Training should include identification of hazardous energy sources, energy control procedures, and proper use of lockout and tagout devices. 5. Periodic Inspections: All LOTO equipment and energy control procedures should be inspected periodically to ensure they are still valid and in good working order. Any damaged or defective LOTO equipment should be taken out of service and replaced immediately. Adherence to the basic concepts of the LOTO program is critical to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment for workers. Employers should have clear policies and procedures in place to ensure that all employees performing maintenance work are properly trained and know how to follow LOTO procedures.


LOTO program use case sharing
Steps to implement the lockout/tagout test management procedure