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Minnesota OSHA Compliance -- Lockout/tagout standards in construction

  • Publish Time: 2017-07-20
  • Visit: 1484

Subp. 1. Electrical power disconnect. Any main electrical power disconnect means which controls a source of power or material flow shall be locked out with a lockout device whenever employees are maintaining, cleaning, adjusting, or servicing machinery or equipment, if the disconnect is not in clear sight of the employee. A "Do Not Start" tag as described in Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Section 1910.145(f)(3), shall be affixed to any and all operating controls.

Subp. 2. Pneumatic and hydraulic lines. The pressure shall be eliminated from any pneumatic and hydraulic lines that activate a mechanism or machine, and the valve holding back the activating substance shall be locked out before an employee works on that mechanism or machine.

Subp. 3. Spring tension mechanisms. Mechanisms under spring tension or compression shall be blocked, clamped, secured in position, or the compression or tension totally relieved before being worked on by an employee.

Subp. 4. Suspended mechanisms. Suspended mechanisms or parts that normally cycle through a lower position shall be lowered to the lowest position, be clamped, blocked, or otherwise secured in position before being worked on by an employee.

Subp. 5. Individual lockouts. Where more than one employee is engaged in working on machinery or equipment, each employee shall affix the employee's individual lockout device or lock to the disconnect switch or power supply.

Subp. 6. Exemption. Utility companies, when working on lines and equipment, will be exempt from this standard but must comply with the requirements of Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Section 1926.950(d).

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, 1926.417 Lockout and tagging of circuits

(a) Controls -- Controls that are to be deactivated during the course of work on energized or deenergized equipment or circuits shall be tagged.

(b) Equipment and circuits -- Equipment or circuits that are deenergized shall be rendered inoperative and shall have tags attached at all points where such equipment or circuits can be energized.

(c) Tags -- Tags shall be placed to identify plainly the equipment or circuits being worked on.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, 1926.600 Equipment (from paragraph (a), General requirements)

(3)(i) Heavy machinery, equipment, or parts thereof, which are suspended or held aloft by the use of slings, hoists, or jacks shall be substantially blocked or cribbed to prevent falling or shifting before employees are permitted to work under or between them. Bulldozer and scraper blades, end-loader buckets, dump bodies, and similar equipment, shall be either fully lowered or blocked when being repaired or when not in use. All controls shall be in a neutral position, with the motors stopped and brakes set, unless work being performed requires otherwise.

(3)(ii) Whenever the equipment is parked, the parking brake shall be set. Equipment parked on inclines shall have the wheels chocked and the parking brake set.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, 1926.601 Motor vehicles (from paragraph (b), General requirements)

(10) Trucks with dump bodies shall be equipped with positive means of support, permanently attached, and capable of being locked in position to prevent accidental lowering of the body while maintenance or inspection work is being done.

(11) Operating levers controlling hoisting or dumping devices on haulage bodies shall be equipped with a latch or other device which will prevent accidental starting or tripping of the mechanism.

Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, 1926.603 Pile driving equipment (from paragraph (a), General requirements

(5) A blocking device, capable of supporting the weight of the hammer, shall be provided for placement in the leads under the hammer at all times while employees are working under the hammer.

Basic Steps of a Lockout/Tagout Process
Safety and Health-Lockout/Tagout