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Responsibilities of LOTO

  • Publish Time: 2022-11-05
  • Visit: 319

Responsibilities of LOTO

1. After attending the LOTO special training, post the corresponding cap stickers
2. Understand the isolation to be used and the type of precautions to be taken based on the potential hazard
3. Know the types of devices that may be isolated
4. Understand physical isolation methods
5. Check quarantine registration forms and PTW before starting operations
6. Ensure that all LO/TO entries are recorded in the LO/TO register
7. Do not remove any "Hazard - Do not Operate" signs unless they are your own
8. Departing authorized personnel shall remove their personal locks and lockout tags. If the job is not complete, leave a stop lockout tag (placed by the person who originally quarantined) at the quarantine point (at least)
9. The authorized person entering may only remove the temporary lockout tag if he or she has placed his or her own personal lock/badge in place and ensure that the quarantine is recorded on the quarantine registration form
10. If the operation lock or craft lock is left on the clasp until the job is completed, there is no need to attach a temporary lockout tag. The departing employee may leave his/her personal lock on the equipment if no one is using or operating the equipment until the departing employee returns


Lockout tagout and quarantine management
Standards for Lockout Tagout