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Release of stored energy

  • Publish Time: 2022-09-15
  • Visit: 320

Release of stored energy
Check the machine to make sure all parts of the equipment are not working
Release any remaining pressure
To trap or support a component that may fall
Open the exhaust valve to remove the gas from the line
If the energy is allowed to continue, it must be carefully monitored to ensure that it is below the danger level.

Verify device isolation
Make sure all dangerous areas are clear.
Ensure that the main power switch or relay does not revert to the "on" position
Press the start button and other start controls on the machine.
After checking, return all controls to the "off" position.

Equipment isolation
Run all energy isolation devices to isolate equipment from energy sources
Ensure all power sources are isolated (both primary and secondary)
Do not power off the device by unplugging the fuse

Use of lock listing device
All energy isolation devices must be locked or locked, or both.
Only standard isolation devices can be used and these devices cannot be used for other purposes.
If the energy source cannot be locked directly with a lock, it should be locked with a locking device
When a locking device is used, every employee on the team must lock the locking device.


Lockout Tagout scope and application
Lockout tagout is lifted