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Who needs LOTO Training?

  • Publish Time: 2022-08-25
  • Visit: 306

Who needs LOTO Training?
1. Authorized employees:
These workers are the only ones allowed by OSHA to perform LOTO. Each authorized employee must be trained in the recognition of applicable hazardous energy sources, the type and magnitude of energy sources available in the workplace,
and the methods and means necessary for energy isolation and control.
Training for
authorized employees must include:
Recognition of hazardous energy
Type and magnitude of energy found in the workplace
The means and methads of isolating and/or controlling energy
The means of verification of effective eneroy control, and the purpose of the/procedures to be used
2. Affected Emplovees:
"This group consists primarily of those who work with machines but aren't authorized to perform LOTO. Affected employees must be instructed in the purpose and use of the energy control procedure. Employees who exclusively perform functions related to normal production operations and who perform service or maintenance under the protection of normal machine safeguarding need only be trained as affected employees even if tagout procedures are used.
3. Other Employees:
This group consists of anyone else who works in an area where LOTO procedures are used.
All of these employees must be trained not to start lacked or tagged equipment, and not to remove or ignore lockout tagout devices


About Safety Lockout/Tagout
Where should lockout/tagout tags be placed?