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  • Publish Time: 2022-06-07
  • Visit: 375


Physical isolation
For pressurized systems, process equipment and confined space operations, it is recommended to adopt hierarchical isolation:
- Physically cutting and blocking
- Install plugs and blind plates
- Double stop relief valve
- Close the locking valve
Physical shut-offs and seals are the safest isolation measures and should be used whenever possible in pressurized oil and gas systems where there is a risk of leakage, or when work involves access to containers.
● Physical shut-offs and seals are the safest isolation measures and should be used whenever possible in pressurized oil and gas systems where there is a risk of leakage, or when work involves access to containers
● If physical cutting is not applicable, installing a plug or pipe blind should be the preferred method.
● When fittings or valves are removed from the oil and gas system, blind flanges should be installed on the pressure side to match the expected pressure
● Double stop relief isolation is when a section of pipe is isolated between two valves and pressure is released between the two valves.
● If both physical cutting and mounting plugs/blinds are not applicable, double cut-off relief isolation should be preferred. Suitable for low hazards.
● Closed locking valves are prone to leakage and should not be used as a primary means of isolation, except when there is little or no danger and/or low risk fluids are involved
● The process control valve should not be trusted, except that it can be closed closely, isolated from its power supply and has been tested by qualified personnel to prove that the isolation is safe
● Butterfly valve locking device, effective protection butterfly valve, non-conductive and highly resistant to solvent corrosion, extreme temperature changes
● Gate valve locking device, universal locking device. Easy, ideal way to lock a single gate valve
● Ball valve locking device, ideal valve locking device, can monitor almost any stem
● Pneumatic locking device, used to isolate pneumatic device
● Wire locking device, can lock multiple valves

Application of LOTO scheme