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What should Lockout Tagout LOTO training include?

  • Publish Time: 2021-12-30
  • Visit: 448

What should Lockout Tagout LOTO training include?

Training shall be divided into training of authorized personnel and training of affected personnel. Training for authorized personnel should include an introduction to Lockout Tagout definition, a review of the company's LOTO procedures, and guidance on using LOTO equipment to perform procedures such as power off, gas release and pressure release to zero energy state; The training of the affected personnel should include the purpose of Lockout tagout LOTO and the introduction of basic steps and scenarios for using energy control Lockout tagout as well as training that the Lockout tagout machine should not restart or be able to.
Training should be conducted annually, possibly in conjunction with the annual audit portfolio of the LOTO process. If the work or equipment changes and the existing energy control procedures are changed, relevant authorized personnel and affected personnel should also be trained.

What should be included in the periodic review of LOTO?

Conduct annual inspection of loTO-specific procedures for all equipment. Inspection must be accurate, compliant and kept up to date. All authorized LOTO personnel must undergo a special training program for authorized personnel and affected employees receive LOTO awareness training. Employee checks must be conducted to ensure LOTO process is being used correctly. Although there is a minimum requirement of an annual randomly selected group inspection, this can be done monthly or quarterly as the case may be, or a random LOTO specific inspection can be conducted throughout the year to ensure proper implementation of the regulation by authorized personnel. This allows any deviation to be corrected in a timely manner, maximizing the program's performance.


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